Project Weaving Dreams

These days of participation encourage in our community the sense of solidarity and inclusion. They are carried out with the participation of neighbors from all over the country. We meet to knit wool squares that will form blankets of shelter destined to different Institutions of the capital and of the interior. We have already done five days, in which we organized a buffet for the benefit of institutions in a situation of vulnerability and in which different artistic numbers participated.

I Day Weaving Dreams

III Day Weaving Dreams

II Day Weaving Dreams

IV Day Weaving Dreams

tejiendo 5


We participated in the International Knitting Peace event with a group of weavers who collaborated selflessly in various solidarity days.

Thanks to all of them and to the Director of Buenos Aires Polo Circo, Gabriela Ricardes for convening Tejer por la Paz.


Your help makes possible for us to reach every single person that really needs it.