We support and boost the institutional recognition of the distinguished career of the citizens and their contribution to the argentinian values, identity and cultural richness; an asset that differentiate us across the world. And that is the reason why we encourage about the recognition to their trayectories.
It is a pleasure and a pride for PROMOVER CULTURA FOUNDATION the fact to had promoted the "DECLARATION AS A DISTINGUISHED CULTURAL PERSONALITY" of the City of Buenos Aires for the great argentinian actress and hostess, NELLY PRINCE.
We are thankfull to the Deputee Lic. Esteban Penayo and his Head of Office, Oscar Rivarola, for boosting this project on the Legislatura de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires.
We invited Dr. Emilio Lafferriere, vicepresident of Radio y Televisión Argentina S.E. from the Federal Media and Public Content of Presidencia de la Nación, who was part of the tribute to Miss Nelly Prince, official speaker of the Public TV for 50 years.
Congratulations Nelly Prince, your cultural work has been distinguish by the citizenship.
A life dedicated to culture.
Nelly Prince (July 27th, 1926, Buenos Aires, Argentina) is the pseudonym of Nélida Couto, actress, singer and radio speaker. She had an 80 years old career as a radio and tv star on Channel 7. She was part of Discepoliana, from Norberto Aroldi and worked in about 15 movies. She is pleasantly recalled for his caracther of Rabanito Clown; she recorded the Long Play Tarde. She started to sing since her childhood, her brother was a pianist, composer, radio and tv operator; her sister, piano teacher, and her mom, a spanish women, had great musical conditions as well as her father, who played the bandoneon. She had singing lessons with Fanny Day, director of the Radio El Mundo Choir, and with Andrea Berri (student of Susana Naidich); she took acting lessons with Milagros de la Vega and dance lessons with María Ruanova, Pastora Vega, Mecha Quintana and Beatriz Pagano. Been only 6 years old, she started her professional career on 1932, at Radio Belgrano on The Marilyn Gang. Two years later, she started on the radiotheater and at 10 years old she premiered on the play “Wuthering Heights”. On 1940, on Radio El Mundo, she started on “Los Pérez García”, sponsored by “Cremas Dagelle”, where there are exposed the supposed middle class family problems, wich derived on the famous say: “You have more problems than the Perez García!”. On year 1940 she worked on a movie with Julio Irigoyen and later on 1942 she made her first important movie appeareance on “You are the peace”, from Gregorio Martínez Sierra. On her begginings, she was part of the radio program about criminal cases, “Ronda policial”, on Radio Porteña, at the side of Guido Gorgatti. She graduated of the Dramatic Arts National Conservatory and at 1954, she was a counter figure of the Five Greats of Good Humor on “Summer at Mar del Plata”, with the screenplay of Máximo Aguirre.