This Foundation has as a mission: to promote culture to contribute the personal and collective development oriented to convert all citizens into social actors in its full potentiality through easy access to knowledge, education, participative practice and promotion of art in all the expressions.
Our mission involves two Programs:
Its goal is to propitiate different kind of spaces where we can support and launch all the artistic expressions, communitarian and/or solidary actions and to promote recognitions of values and behaviors, tending to strength the social cohesion in a diversity, tolerance and conviviality frame.
It divides in three Projects
This program has two main goals: on one side, to promote social and solidary acknowledge through the participation of the society in educational and cultural activities, and on the other side, that this same activities help to generate a better life quality for the citizens that find themselves in a vulnerable situation.
It divides in three Projects:
We are fully aware that people needs tools to advance and develop in life and society.
We believe in fully living the present with values as important as honesty, work and humility.
We are conscious that only a cultural change may contribute to the maturity of the citizenship.
Our main challenge is that every citizen may take in his own hands the leadership of his own present and future.
We strongly state that Culture is everyone.